Question: Do you think that the provided declaration is qualified as an international treaty in the sense of International Law or not? [Ministerial Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products (In the framework of WTO) (Singapore, 13 December 1996)]
The WTO Agreements involve goods, services and its intellectual properties. As mentioned agreements, reveal principles of liberalization in all areas and clarify exceptions that given in some circumstances. Besides these agreements involve some obligations like; reduce of customs tariffs, lift the trade barriers, allowing service industry to the global market.
WTO agreements accepted as WTO’s establishment, structure and its operation in its establishing contract’s annexes. WTO Establishing Contract approved and adopted by our country and published at 25th February 1995 and 22213 numbered official gazette. According to article 90 of the Turkish Constitution, if an international treaty be brought into force duly, it means it is statutory.
With the abovementioned reasons, the provided declaration is qualified as an international treaty in the sense of International law.